Friday, November 22, 2013

As others have stated on Amazon, I recommend About Behaviorism first…

…it is clearer about what Skinner is saying about behavior.  Verbal Behavior has more of his research and instances of various kinds of verbal behavior.  Skinner having been born at a different time than myself and the current generations, he seems a bit too wordy, at least for me, although his work and ideas are as valid today as they were when he wrote his books.  It seems too few people knew about or even read his work.

I ran across a statement about how “America is a Corporate run institution”.  This is precisely what he and lots of NLPers have been saying for decades.  We have become just that.  We, many of us through no fault of our own, have contributed to creating the problems we face with our mental lives.  No television will cure the problem and for some of us we are so crapped up no psychotherapist will treat us because it is futile.

We have been the victims of a racket and a scam.