Friday, November 1, 2013

Summer of 1974 Kay and her cousin were hanging out together…

…they went out on a pier and were smoking marijuana rolled up as big as a cigar.  They both were sitting down and then Kay stood up and walked around the pier, felt dizzy and felt as if she might fall off the pier.   Kay says she felt it was like two men sitting on the pier or in a car together and then drove out somewhere onto a pier or bridge.  This could be Carnival of Souls, and definitely Behind Green Lights.  This film may have contributed to my sleep paralysis which wasn’t really mine.

“oh yea watch this”, Leave it to Beaver, two years before this Kay proceeded to drive her Volkswagen into a cornfield while on a lunch break from work, then backed out of the field.  There were three other people in the car.    Fear in the Night?