Thursday, February 6, 2014

Dream this AM February 06, 2014

Dreamt this AM I was lost in someone’s house. It reminded me of the house from my previous dreams, especially the one in which I saw a man come from the darkness telling me all would be revealed in time. I heard water spilling over onto the floor and thought I left the bath water running too long. I ran into the bathroom but the water was off and then ran into the bedroom and reached out and felt a man’s foot. I freaked out and ran down the hall into another room where there was a bar and I said, vodka martini, putting a glass onto the bar and then a bourbon on the rocks, “with a cherry please” onto the bar. Someone thought the bar was a piano. There was a chair in the room and they wanted me to sit in it but I wouldn’t. They then questioned me about the chair. “Something bad happened in the chair”. Then I went through a list of things. Gas chamber, Dahmer, Madam X, a Judge, someone tied up…gas chamber chair – cousin and aunt tied my great-aunt Mae to the chair and beat her with a stick – I think this happened in Australia ~ Bonnie Prince Charlie…could be they were fanning Cleopatra?…

Previous dream about going with my father to rent a room from a landlady, all of the rooms were connected in an odd manner…other similar dreams… 

Then a list of movies started coming to mind:

Wally The Beard

Lost Souls

Girl Interrupted – bedroom scene

Crystal Ball – old house, round corner room – medium – tarot cards – Angie wanted to read my cards, I refused…

An Apartment for Peggy – attic

Perly Street?

Psychiatrist – Dishonored Lady

The Form of Things Unknown – Edward Weston, Time Machine – JW Dunne Serialism…

The Vital Messages

Night Porter

Hammond ~ Vlad Castle

Dream Catcher – “I don’t mind killing Americans