Monday, July 15, 2013
Divorce American Style…
Dede Murphy ~ Dodi from college (it wasn’t her but likely triggered connections to the film which I have never seen by the way), Murphy Mantis sketches.
Triggered memories of Chinatown, Jack Nicholson, Carnal Knowledge, Bridge Over River Kwai.
The Rains Came was on Turner Classics this weekend, Camelot Village flooded Sunday, interesting it comes on at the time it flooded here. I think it was my Uncle mixed up in Chinatown in New York ~ St. Francis Exupiary ~ The Saint…
Divorce American Style ~ “It’s a wonder we didn’t burn the house down”. 1328 (An address) 410, “and then I got killed”…don’t know what they were talking about, the war something I don’t know…someone must have been adding the numbers and likely on an abacus…this could be Qing Boy, such a traumatic event others were likely unable to manage rage and it was constantly dissociated…I think the Qing boy could be possessed one of Caesar’s male concubines.
This is what happened to my father, some of this was left behind during the clean up or was never taken out…
Found pieces of it and other films covertly referenced in Dream Telepathy. It seems there was blamed placed before there was a thorough understanding of the circumstances.