Monday, July 7, 2014

Amazon Kindle: Your Highlights

“Fragmentation of a life” is said to follow “social disorganization in which a person has been ripped apart,” fragmentation being defined as an “arrangement consciousness makes in response to an environment where respect is not forthcoming as a matter of course.”Read more at location 2031

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B005FGZ93C a2UYFUQIJVW3LD 304871 Note: This is what happens when writers take control of somoene's mind, one no longer dreams, especially those who use speech software, one is at the mercy of the will of another. It is very dangerous tinkering with the mind of another. It is best to teach them to manage their own brains and minds. I can see that healthy minds are hardly built by devouring novels and television. We have Corporate America to thank for that deception costing us millions of dollars, our futures and our time. I no hppy camper about it. Edit