Monday, July 7, 2014

Notes from my desktop application for Kindle…

Unfair Secrets of Hypnotic Selling With NLP by Franz Mesmer

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Last annotated on January 10, 2014


Franklin himself was certainly a master of very indirect suggestion, and the tactful handling of objections, as anyone who has read his autobiography knows.  He used his skills, which were quite similar to NLP, to work his way into the French court—and into the beds of a number of French (and, evidently, American, and English) women, which seems to have been a favorite hobby of his when he was not fomenting revolution, printing books, inventing iron stoves and lightning rods and bifocal glasses, or flying kites in thunderstorms.  Quite a guy, that Ben. As he said,Read more at location 927

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B0052AEMAM a3CULQFO6EMOF9 139784 Note: MT has been doing this... Edit

Theodore X. Barber was a researcher and psychologist who concluded that the power of suggestion, without induction of any formal trance, worked almost as well as hypnotism on about 20% of the population, while about 25% had no reaction at all, and 2% to 4% were especially responsive. One of his experiments was to go door to door, and suggest sleepiness to people, without the swinging watches and such that hypnotists of the 1960s commonly used.Read more at location 1051

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B0052AEMAM a1R8RD9F20UX2W 158225 Note: James Braid knew this in the mid 1800's when he noted, when he blinked at a patient, the patient would a few minutes later blink back. Children do it unconsciously, they don't know why they are doing it. Edit

We always are anchoring things, usually without knowing it.  We go to a funeral, and we go up to the family, and we give them a hug.  Usually, a hug is a good anchor.  But if you are hugged in the presence of the corpse of somebody you love, a hug may become a negative anchor.  Sometimes, husbands and wives hug each other when everything is going badly, and not enough when things are going well.  After a while, they don’t want the other one to touch them.Read more at location 1921

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B0052AEMAM a2J7UTRP02MP0G 288660 Note: MT used this on me at GNC. Edit

So, you want to find out how they think, and then tell them things that sound like things they think. You can do that by asking questions that will force them to think things for themselves; anything people imagine or remember, even if you have prompted it, they will believe is their own thought. “Can you remember a time when you could feel really good about something you bought?” (Subtly point to yourself or your client when you do this.) The whole embedded command technology is a way to do this:  you are planting thoughts in people's heads. You also want to make your statements appeal to the senses the person relies on, e.g., sight, sound, and so on.  That way, it sounds like their thoughts.Read more at location 2024

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B0052AEMAM a2OBHPA2FQAO4V 304461 Note: Recognize these tactics Edit

Submodalities are the variations in modalities. A visual picture is color or black-and-white, and vibrant colors or subdued colors. Kinesthetic submodalities are heavy or light, warm or cold. Sound is loud, soft, and so on. Sometimes you cross modalities. You may say—this is called synesthesia—a sound is sweet, colors are heavy.Read more at location 2066

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B0052AEMAM a32U0D2C1RIH57 310717 Note: The Green in the Optimum protein was a negative for me so he started selling me other protein powders with different colors. I did buy several of the optimum brands likely because the containers had green in them, I even purchased a container of the serious mass likely because it had two shades of green one being a much lighter shade. I finally caught on to it after I completed my work on the article. The novelist of Shades of Gray is trying to start the same technique. Edit

Sometimes, rarely, but it happens, you want to get negative rapport. You can break up a meeting by having rapport and then breaking it, by stopping the rhythmic sync you have with other people. Or you can pick an unpopular person in a large group and really make them hate you.  Other customers, who will not want to agree with that person, may be more inclined to vote buy from you because they hate that customer. This is, of course, a high risk tactic.Read more at location 2095

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B0052AEMAM a1BB2PWKP5QE26 314840 Note: This worked in my favor as opposed to MT's. Edit

Rapport is the most important single thing to achieve to be able to exert influence.  The whole idea is to build your rapport with a customers, and break your competitor’s rapport.  People don’t like to see direct attacks. You can do it, but it’s often something that makes people dislike you. You may therefore consider it wise to use indirect attacks. Demosthenes found that just saying good things about your side isn’t enough;  you have to make some attacks on the other side. Great orators since have found that to be true.  It’s a dilemma: you need to attack, but you don’t want people to get disgusted with you for attacking.Read more at location 2109

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B0052AEMAM a2917ONWBSTRKP 317184 Note: A Southern Season is GNC's competitor where I am concerned. They both vie for my money. I've heard MT doing this at night while I am sleeping. I know he has tried to program me numeorus times to buy protein. This made me think the mental programming I created didn't come from me but actually came from some novelist of marketer trying to manange my behavior. I thought I created it. Edit

Patterns are structures of language that you use to create a mental state.  When you were in school, you learned patterns of language.  The language patterns that you used in school were things like a simple sentence, a complex sentence, a compound sentence, a prepositional phrase, and so on.  They are simply structures, which are available to you to build whatever sentences that you wish.  Patterns in NLP are like that, except that the patterns are little different.  Patterns are not rules, they are just examples.  Some of the patterns sound strange, but you will find that in many cases the stranger these pattern sound, the more powerful they are.  Some patterns are in the form of metaphor. Ross Jeffries is a master at this.Read more at location 2300

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B0052AEMAM aGZ7PUY4TO0W9 346054 Note: This they clearly used to get me to start the habit of going to the mall, with that little cup of free coffee and then they run the guilt trip about shelling out free coffee or giving good advice or loaning me a book, etc. They've been doing with this, "You owe me $50, the amount of MT's monthly bonus. Edit

Erickson used to talk to people, and look for something that looked a little like trance, and say softly, “That’s it.” This is dog training, behavior reinforcement, into trance. When you see a customer giving a blank stare, you might nod, or smile or say, “That’s it,” or “That’s right.”   Then you have the customer going into trance, and you hit him with repeated embedded commands.Read more at location 2319

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B0052AEMAM a26TCPTCOT1CBD 348569 Note: HM or some of her help has been doing this to me at night. I've heard them, I made a point of staying awake to find out what they were saying to me and I've been catching this. Edit

The unconscious communicates largely in symbols. That is why you have dreams. If you are not familiar with this concept, I highly recommend reading Carl Jung’s Man And His Symbols. Treat yourself to the large hardbound edition, not the little paperback. The large hardbound edition has color pictures, and in this case, they are important. When you make a symbol, manipulate it, strengthen it, and relate it to yourself, you can do very powerful things. A good symbol to start with is the customers order form.Read more at location 2365

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B0052AEMAM a1CAT5QDEUNUM9 355759 Note: No doubt this is why they put Night Stalker on TV. Fear tactics and the use of the cross... Edit

A bind is a statement that links a cause to an effect. As you become aware of the powerful uses of this product we are presenting here, you will understand more and more the strength of this product. There isn’t necessarily a very good causal connection between the two things. This is discussed in much more detail in the sections on cause and effect patterns.Read more at location 2382

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B0052AEMAM a2W7RP8P353HRU 358038 Note: This is why we have cases of schizophrenia - the double bind...I see that I have done this with my blog...I discovered this in my own thinking based on dialogue I found from films... Edit

Here is a form for a very effective suggestion:  “Whether you give an order for this product today, or whether you just decide to try this product in your business for a time, the important thing is that when you have this product that you can look back on in the years to come with pride for the good decision you make today for this enhancement to your business, because of all the reasons you can think of to do it.  Do you know that is how Andrew Carnegie got his reputation for good business decisions?” The last sentence, the question, gives amnesia for the suggestions. A double bind gives you two alternatives, which are really the same alternative, and then you add something to distract the consciousness, which is trying to figure out what the difference is between the alternatives.Read more at location 2395

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B0052AEMAM a1BT4F4IJJC4ZH 360785 Note: This is why I coulnd't recall my childhood molestation or that I was being injured by the content of some films. Double binds give you no choices. You have to rely on another to make decisions for you. Edit

Putting somebody in a time other than the present puts them into a trance.Read more at location 2415

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B0052AEMAM a1PXV98GPUC9V4 362286 Note: MT did this by getting me to talk about my childhood and other things more than once. What they don't realize is the damage it causes a person who suffers PTSD. I didn't realize how focusing on the past made me more vulnerable to suggestion or manipulation in the present. This is what BH did to me and how I ended up in Pitt Memorial Psychiatric facility. This makes me angry as hell. This is a kind of schizophrenia, not in the physiological sense but mental. Edit

Some words are especially effective in inducing trance.  Words such as deeply, naturally, surprisingly and other such adverbs invite the psyche to go into an altered state. There are two kinds of trance words: words which are generally trance words, and words which are particular to an individual.  General trance words are things like imagine, visualize, remember, amazingly. These words cause you to look inside yourself and think of how it would be if the things you suggest were to take place. Specific trance words are specific to the individual. If you listen very closely to what people tell you, you will notice that they mean on certain words that are important to them; thoseRead more at location 2458

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B0052AEMAM a39NP3HK48SRQR 370296 Note: They've been using this to get me to look at more films. These trance words are found in many films. Edit

Another of Erickson’s genius ideas was to communicate with the unconscious by interspersing the communication in a lot of other conversation, and emphasizing the words so that the unconscious, not the conscious, picks it up.  You can have several conversations going on at once:  one with the person’s conscious, and another one or two with the unconscious.  This way, you can get higher results with someone like Franz Mesmer. You mark off the words in italics, by tonality or whatever you’re physically doing, and what do you get?  Higher [hire] Franz Mesmer.  That’s a phonological ambiguity, too. You can use this to give suggestions to people, in a large meeting, in front of a hundred observers, or to a CEO in front of his entire board, and nobody will ever suspect.  But their unconscious will know. This is one of the most amazingly powerful and undetectable of Erickson’s techniques. With it, you can have several conversations going on at once with the audience’s unconscious:  you can mark out oneRead more at location 2532

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B0052AEMAM a2XKEZ4CVUDKGB 381911 Note: I've experienced the use of this technique frequently by some in AA and other places. Frustrating. It causes one's conscious thinking to stall trying to figure out what the person was intending with the word or comment to the unconscious as the brain is processing that information which is then triggering other information. Edit