Friday, July 11, 2014

“I’m sticking with Skinner and the behaviorists on this matter, I have experienced too much…

…to go around crapping people up with more of the same.  While unknowingly cleaning up these things by acting them out, more because of trauma than any self will which I never possessed, I would be committing the same crime against human life committed against me and my family.  I am tired of you people and your constant persistence in trying to get biopics and novels from me, conning me into dialoguing with you trying to drag me into your sin against mankind you fail to acknowledge.

A cease and desist has been posted and sent out to the community and some studios.  I insist you release me.  Further action will be taken.

“put her down Kiel”…

Get that woman off Ms. Gibbs, before she craps this dialogue up further”…

“he has picked up a dummy looking like Mirren, Fay Wray I guess, I was finding my appearance to look like her and this is what they do, they start this kind of thing and I see it all the time.