Wednesday, September 24, 2014

This is one of the first mental programs I created to help myself…

…as you can see there are some poorly developed areas…

Hi Kay Frances Gibbs. Listen to me. I am your friend I am your guide. Take a deep breath, release it slowly and relax. Picture yourself at the Virgin Gorda, lying in the warm sun. Listen ti the gentle lapping of the waves upon the beach. Listen to my words. Let them guide and protect you. Let my words soothe you. I can trust my perceptions. I can trust my guidance. I can trust my intuition. I can relax and let these words open my mind to the real world around me. There is beauty and trust and love and honesty in the world and I can find it. Relax and I will guide you to this enlightenment, to love and to truth. I will validate what you already know within you. Relax.

Daily Activities

I can get up each morning at my desired time. I see myself getting up at 9:00 AM. I can shower each morning. I see myself taking a cool shower in the morning and evening. I can brush my teeth each morning and at night before going to bed. I see myself brushing my teeth morning and nite. Eating a healthy breakfast is essential to a productive day. I will eat a good breakfast every morning. Visualize yourself eating a healthy breakfast every morning. I see myself taking protein every morning. I see myself drinking lots of water everyday. I love exercising. I can do pilates every morning. I see myself getting on the floor and meditating for 15 minutes. I see myself doing pilates stretching for 30 minutes. I love getting up early and getting things done. I see myself moving around the house getting things done. I can take my vitamins every other day. I see myself taking my vitamins. I can wash my dishes everyday. I see myself washing dishes cheerfully. I love taking care of my responsibilities. I love a neat clean living environment. I visualize an orderly and clean living environment. I see myself taking out the trash and recycling. I will keep my clothes laundered appropriately. I see myself getting the laundry done. I can write in my journal everyday. I see myself sitting at the computer writing in my journal.


My body is valuable. I take care of my body. I love my body. My body is functioning as it should. I will exercise at least three times per week for 20 minutes. I will exercise good posture when I am at the computer. I will stand erect with my shoulders back, when I walk. My blood pressure is 110/60. My heart rate is steady at 60 beats per minute. I will sit erect with my shoulders straight and my back straight. I will avoid slumping over the keyboard. I will maintain the desired weight of 120 lbs. I will dress appropriately for a savvy energetic woman. I will supply my body with the appropriate amount of nutrients and proteins to keep it healthy and vibrant. I will maintain habits that promote healthy personal hygiene. I will be aware of my body. I will acknowledge aches and pains that are beyond normal. I will seek medical attention when necessary. I will stop biting my nails. I will soak and massage my feet three times a week. My body is healthy. My blood pressure is normal. My blood pressure is 110/60. My heart rate is steady at 60 beats per minute. I walk in a relaxed manner. My muscles are relaxed. I think healthy thoughts about my body. My body is acceptable. I accept my body the way it is and I will take steps to keep it fit and healthy. I brush my teeth twice a day. I will floss my teeth once a day. I will take care of my skin. Using petroleum products is not good for my skin or my blood. My body is mine. It belongs to me and no one else. It is the vehicle for my soul. No one has the right to abuse my body. I am responsible for my body’s safety. I am careful when I cross the street. My blood pressure is 110/60. My heart rate is steady at 60 beats per minute. I watch for traffic from all directions and I wait for the crosswalk signal wherever available, before I cross the street. I watch for obstacles in my path where I am walking and I avoid them. I have the right to defend myself and my body. Stress is harmful to my body. My blood pressure is 110/60. My heart rate is steady at 60 beats per minute. Stress produces a harmful chemical called cortisol. Cortisol can cause all kinds of degenerative problems and weight gain. I avoid negative stress. I avoid unnecessary stress like watching violent and scary movies. I avoid stressful thoughts. If I find myself thinking about past stressful events I will immediately stop myself. My blood pressure is 110/60. My heart rate is steady at 60 beats per minute. I will avoid dwelling on the past. I will create new more positive moments in my life and I will remember the positive moments as often as necessary. If I find myself thinking about stressful experiences I will stop. I can think of the Virgin Islands instead. I will create positive experiences. I will stop ruminating on negative experiences in my past. I can let them go. My body is getting healthier and healthier. My blood pressure is 110/60. My heart rate is steady at 60 beats per minute. I love my body.


I am free to have all that I need and want in the world. I am a winner. Winners manage their emotions successfully. I am free from the guilt and shame of the past. The past is gone forever, what remains are my memories of the past. My thoughts and feelings about the past have changed. I am different now. I act differently today. I no longer behave the way I used to. I will stay in the present. It is ok to change how you feel about something. What I see plays an important part in how I respond to a situation. I will acknowledge what I see. I will withhold my interpretation of a situation until I am confident in what I see going on. Most often I see things as they are. I can trust my intuition to guide me. I am letting go of fear that keeps me from being a productive person. I will always acknowledge my feelings in a safe and constructive manner. I will acknowledge and accept whenever I feel angry. I will acknowledge and accept when I am fearful. When I am angry, I will take a deep breath, calm myself and say to myself, I am angry, that’s ok, now calm down. Sometimes I need do nothing more than accept that I am angry. I will stop and picture the results of my actions before I act. I will stop explosive emotional behavior. I let go of shame and guilt that prevents me from being healthy. I forgive myself for things I failed to do that are in my best interest and things I fail to say. I am human. It is ok to make mistakes. Beating myself up over a mistake is negative. I will say, ok, I made a mistake, now let’s move on. I will re-enforce positive behavior with praise. It is ok to forgive myself. It frees me if I forgive myself and others. I am free from all guilt and shame. I will accept today and its gifts with cheerfulness. Emotional binges are damaging to my health and can cause me to get into trouble with the law. I will avoid people who are on emotional binges. I will avoid letting myself get on an emotional binge. Perception is the key to controlling my emotions. How I interpret what I perceive determines how I will feel about a situation. I will withhold my interpretation of a situation until I am confident in what I perceive. Jealousy inhibits my ability to achieve my desires. Envy inhibits my ability to achieve my desires. Lust inhibits my ability to achieve my desires. Greed inhibits my relationships with friends and family. False Pride inhibits my ability to achieve my desires. Laziness prevents me from achieving my goals. I will acknowledge my laziness and take action to change it. Ruminating on what others have and I lack only prevents me from achieving my goals. I will spend my mental energy on achieving my goals instead of complaining about others. I will focus on my life and what I need to do to achieve my goals. I will prevent others from interfering with these goals. I live without fear of having a successful life. I am successful. I succeed in all that I pursue. I am a success today even though I have made seemingly small achievements. Everyday that I act appropriately I am a success. Everyday that I follow through on my goals I am a success. I can acknowledge the negative aspects of myself without beating up on myself. I am successful.


I replaced infantile needs for intimacy with unhealthy relationships with people, with cigarettes, with food, with the TV and with drinking things that are unhealthy. So I have developed an intimate relationship with cigarettes, food, TV, alcohol, drugs and unhealthy people and letting go of these things makes me feel as if I am giving up an intimate partner. It is ok to give up these intimate partners. They are destructive partners no matter how comforting they may seem. Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, TV, overeating, are all promoted by toxic people who have no concern for my personal well being. Their only concern is money and they project their destructiveness onto me. I will stop them from projecting this destruction onto me. These things are destructive to my health; they do not make me a destructive person. I have been programmed to be destructive to myself and to believe that I am unworthy of good health and a happy life. I am changing this negative programming today. Smoking cigarettes is undesirable. Smoking cigarettes damages my lungs. Smoking cigarettes contributes to heart disease. My lungs will heal if I stop smoking. I desire health. I have stopped smoking. If I am tempted to smoke I will stop and think before I act. I love breathing clean fresh air. I love feeling healthy. Smoking is an oral fixation. When I smoke I am replacing the need for food with a cigarette. Eating food is necessary for good health. I love healthy foods. I will drink two or more quarts of water a day. Smoking cigarettes is unattractive. I desire to be attractive. I have stopped smoking. It is easy to ignore cigarettes. It is easy to ignore the advertising of negative products like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs that have unhealthy ingredients and food products that are not healthy. I love my body. I will protect my body. I will protect my mind. I will stop drinking alcohol. I will stop using drugs. Using drugs permits others to abuse me. Drugs prevent me from being alert to all that is going on around me. I love being aware of my surroundings and what is going on around me, it may save my life. If I am tempted to drink alcohol I will stop and think through to the end result of my drinking. Alcohol damages my liver, brain and heart. Sugar produces alcohol in the human body. I will eliminate unnecessary sugar from my diet. Drinking alcohol in excess can cause all kinds of personal problems. Drinking and driving is against the law. Using drugs while driving is against the law. I love my body.


Eggs are high in cholesterol. Too much sugar is bad for my health. Sugar is converted to glycerol in the body. Glycerol is an alcohol and can damage my liver and cause nerve damage and disease such as diabetes. Orange juice is good for me. I will drink three glasses of orange juice everyday. Water is good for me. I will drink lots of water everyday. I will avoid soft drinks. I will avoid caffeine. I will avoid too many animal products such as beef and chicken. Rice is acceptable. I love white rice. Vegetables are acceptable. I love vegetables. Margarine contains trans-fatty acids. Trans-fatty acids are the major cause of coronary artery disease. Tea in moderation is acceptable. Eating several small meals during the day is better than eating fewer big meals and is better for your digestive system. I love eating healthy foods.

Health and Exercise

A healthy body is desirable. I will take care of my body. I will acknowledge aches and pains that may signal that my body needs attention. Walking is a healthy exercise. I will stretch my body for at least 10 minutes before I begin exercising. Stretching is essential to preventing muscle tightness and cramps. I will exercise at least three times per week. I will lift weights to tone up my arms. I have the right to exercise. I will start exercising. Bike riding is fun and healthy. I like to ride a bike. I will lose body fat by eating the right foods.


Drinking plenty of water is desirable. Water is good for my body. I will drink plenty of water. Water helps the intestines rid itself of digested food. Failure to drink enough water can result in blocked intestines, colon disease, liver damage and elevated cholesterol. Failure to drink enough water can result in kidney damage. I like to drink water. I love water.


Caffeine makes me nervous. Caffeine is a diuretic. Caffeine affects the reticular formation in the brain. Caffeine is unhealthy for my body. Decaffeinated coffee is unhealthy. I will stop drinking decaffeinated coffee. I will eliminate coffee from my diet. I will have a cup of tea or a glass of juice with my breakfast instead of coffee. Water is a good substitute for caffeine and other products that contain a lot of sugar. I love water.

Money and Finances

I manage my money successfully. I will organize my budget so that I can buy groceries four times per month. I can make a list of things I need. I like making lists. I will purchase food and necessities first. I manage my money without stress or worry. I know how much I can spend. I will save some money every month. I am good at keeping banking records. I keep all personal documents organized. I will keep all banking records. I will keep all of my purchase receipts. If I want something I can save my money to get it. I will avoid acting out other people’s spending habits. I will make a list of all items I need and purchase only the items on the list.


I want to live. I will do all that promotes life and health. What I think affects my emotions and my physiology. I will think positive healthy thoughts. I will exercise mindfulness. Making choices always produces an outcome or consequence. I will first consider the outcome or end result of a choice or decision. I have choices in all situations. I am balanced. I am centered. I am a learner. I am positive. I am becoming independent. I am efficient. I am energetic. I am natural. I am graceful. I will be my own best friend. I let go of blame. I can stop procrastinating. I am perceptive. Decisiveness is desirable. I can be decisive. My decisions are never permanent and I can change my mind anytime I choose. I am changing the negative things about myself. I can stop splitting. A positive attitude is desirable. I will be positive when appropriate. I will be aware of the potential for a negative situation. I will be aware of other people’s transferences and I will give it back to them. I will be aware of the potential for failure. I have the power to choose. I am powerful. I believe in a higher consciousness. I will think positive thoughts. Positive thoughts attract positive situations. Being positive attracts positive people. I am positive. I can protect all of my creative ideas. I am staying positive. I keep my mind balanced between the logical and creative. I let go of all blocks to my creativity. I can stop ruminating about past painful experiences. If I continue to ruminate I will damage my health. I want good health. I love my brain. I let go of angry thoughts about hurtful experiences. I have learned from my past and I can now move on to a healthier happier life. I am not my past. My past no longer determines who I am today. I have the right to recover from past traumas and injuries. I can take whatever time is necessary to recover and regain my health. I can avoid people who try to block my successful recovery and peace of mind. I am not an animal to be lead around on another’s mental or verbal leash. This is abusive to me and I will protect my mind and feelings from mental and emotional abuse. I am a human being and I am free. I have the right to say no. I can trust my perceptions and observations. I refuse to let anyone undermine my self-esteem. I can learn from the past and move on. I will judge myself as I am today. I am a responsible person. I will stay in the present. I am responsible for myself. I can think before I act. I refuse to let others make me responsible for their failures, bad behavior or anxieties. I can refrain from projecting my thoughts and feelings about myself onto others. I can acknowledge when others are projecting their thoughts on to me. I can take advantage of the resources available to me in a responsible manner. Be aware that some people play mind games. Be aware that others will try to program their negative thoughts into my mind. This does not require any emotional response or negative attitude. Noticing game playing requires me to listen and observe the behaviors of other around me. I can avoid engaging in mental games with other people. As a child I believed adults were insane and not to be trusted. This belief does not always work for me as an adult. Some people are trust worthy, some people are not. I will seek out people I can trust to tell me the truth. I will be a trustworthy person. I can avoid people who would use my trustworthiness in a negative way or to their advantage. I can avoid people who dump on me. Keeping secrets produces anxiety and mental illness. When people tell me they want to help me, they may only want to take what I have or use me in some negative way. I will stop them from doing this. I will expose all wrong-doing whenever possible. I am clear about what I want and need. I can prevent the abuse of my mental abilities. I am improving my home environment. My living space is important to my mental health. My home is my sanctuary. I will prevent people from violating the peaceful enjoyment of my home. I can let go of negative thoughts. I love myself. I value my talents. I protect my talents. I protect my mind. I protect my ideas. I love myself. I am free. I have the right to be free from the burdens of the military, the medical profession, the psychiatric profession, the legal profession and drug companies. I am free. I love myself.


I am learning new and more positive behaviors. I will be courteous to people when possible. I desire privacy in all aspects of my life. I can share my thoughts and ideas with my family. I will keep my plans private. I will write out my plans and discuss them with people I trust. I will write out all of my ideas. I will keep my ideas private. I will write in my journal everyday. Procrastination undermines the achievement of my wishes and goals. I will relax in stressful situations and do what is necessary to promote life, peace and my own prosperity. I will stop talking to myself in public. I will act appropriately in public. Being organized is desirable. I am organized. I will ignore stressful messages that cause me to split. People who are asking for my help are often being abusive. They want me to take responsibility for their negativity. I will stop them. Other people will try to use subliminal messages to control me and my bodily functions. I will ignore negative destructive messages that may be against me or my best interests. I will listen to my own messages. I will protect my creativity. I can remove myself from negative situations. I have been careless with my vocabulary. An appropriate vocabulary is desirable. I will expand my vocabulary. I will stop using curse words. I will stop using abusive language. I will stay focused on what I am doing at the moment. I am taking back my creativity. I am creative. I use my creativity in positive ways. I write about myself. I prefer graphic designing. I am taking back Katherine Edwina Gibbs. I am taking back my family’s talents. I will protect my family from exploitation. I will stop writing my thoughts on the internet. Writing can be healthy and helpful. I will keep a journal and write my thoughts in it everyday. I will withhold communication when I suspect someone is hacking my mind. I’m taking my stuff out of Tennessee. I have been afraid of going to hell. There is no hell. I have been afraid of God. God is what we make of ourselves. I will love myself unconditionally. I can trust myself to do what is best for me. I can rely on myself. I am not responsible for other people’s children or for their futures. It is ok to ask for help when I need it. I will take back all the parts of myself. I will prevent people from abusing my mind. I will give back what others try to dump on me. I will confront those who are abusing me. I am taking my stuff out of Greenville. My spirit is set free. I am free to be the real me. I accept myself. I will stop acting out. I obey the civic laws of my country. I will use my assets to help me survive and acquire what I need and want. I am assertive. It is ok to assert myself at anytime I feel it is necessary. I am assertive and ask for what I need or want and I get it.


Television distracts me from my problems and responsibilities. It is easier to face my problems right away than to let them build up and get worse. It is better to face my responsibilities than waste my time escaping into the Television. Television poisons my mind with unhealthy emotional responses and behaviors. Television wants to manipulate my mind and my behavior with advertising and ideas that I may disagree with. I will stop watching the television for one month. I am in control of my thoughts and actions. Television uses up all of my creative energy sorting out what I have seen on the Television screen so that I am unable to spend that energy working out my problems or achieving my goals. This is what happens. What I view on the television during my waking hours is stored in my right brain. Then my left brain has to interpret all of this information. This can become a lot of information in a short amount of time and if I watch a lot of TV this can use up my brain and energy on unnecessary mental work. My dreaming life is my intuitive, creative mind, the seat of my genius. My creativity should be used for my own benefit. I will seek healthier means of entertainment. I like going to the museum or painting a picture, or meeting with a friend. Many music and book writers bum or steal stories from unknowing people, robbing them of their creativity. I will seek out and support honest people. Hallmark has been stealing from me and my family. Television separates me from myself. Television often causes me to dissociate the good parts of myself. Television abuses my mind and emotions. It is easy to turn off the Television. I can leave the Television off all day and into the evening without feeling like I am missing out on something. I will start drawing. I will listen to calm, relaxing music that has no words. Listening to music with words is putting the thoughts of others into my mind. I prefer to program my own mind. The television is toxic to my mind. There is a better life outside the television. I desire healthier entertainment. I love social activities. I love to read. I love to be with friends. Television is a toxic, unhealthy parent. Television teaches people to use guns and other destructive means of dealing with problems. Shooting someone can get you into trouble with the law. Hitting a person can get you into trouble with the law. Damaging someone’s property is against the law.

Coping with People

Men often want to have sex with women without the responsibility of a relationship. I have the right to say no to sex. Writers and artists try to control my mind and use my creativity. I will prevent people from abusing my creative side. I have the right to privacy. People are often unloving and cruel because of low self-esteem. I am a spiritual being and I must remember that others are spiritual beings also. I am too big to feel threatened. I am self reliant. I take responsibility for my own emotional needs. I know how to relax. I am relaxed. I will be relaxed even in the most difficult of situations. It is ok to be selfish. It is ok to protect my mind and my feelings from abuse. I cherish my time and it is ok to ask that my time be respected and rewarded appropriately. I choose to build positive self-esteem. I refuse to let people twist my thoughts to suit their needs or wants. I will guard my mind and body from all harm. People will try to manipulate me. I reject all forms of manipulation. People will try to manipulate me into doing things they should do for themselves, I will prevent them from doing this to me. I will let people be responsible for themselves. Controlling others is stressful to my well being and takes away time from myself and my goals. I am responsible for myself. I am accountable for what I do. Others are accountable for what they do. I can avoid angry people. I will avoid deceitful people.


I love to read. I read with ease and I understand what I read. If I encounter a word I do not know I will look it up. When I am reading aloud I will read slowly and carefully. I will stop getting sleepy every time I read a book or listen to a tape unless the tape is supposed to help me sleep. I can comprehend what I read. Reading is fun. I learn new things when I read. I love to read.


Sex is not a sin. I have experienced sexual traumas in my past. I can let go of these traumas and move on with my life now. I can choose who I desire to have sex with and when I want to have sex. I prefer to be abstinent right now. I fell better about myself if I refrain from extra-marital sex. Sex should be shared between two people, not many people.


I will go to bed at a reasonable hour. I will go to bed at the same time every night when possible. I will make my environment conducive to sleeping. Sleep is good for my body. When I lay down to sleep at night I let go of all of the thoughts and worries of the day and relax my body. I relax easily, consciously and deliberately. I can relax without difficulty. When it is time for bed my muscles begin to relax. My mind begins to let go of the thoughts of the day. I relax without effort. I love to rest my body and mind at night. Sleep is good for my body. Sleep is necessary for my body to stay healthy. I will think relaxing thoughts when I lay down to sleep.

I love to read. I will stay focused on today. I love myself. I am a good person. I will take action on my positive decisions. I can let go of fear that stands in my way of living a healthy life. I will let go of unhealthy fear. I will stop splitting. I can face my fears and anxieties without fear of harm or condemnation. I will stop calling myself stupid. I am intelligent. I possess Genius. I refuse to let others abuse my talents. I refuse to let others draw me into parenting them. I will ask for what I need. The TV is a distraction to my successful living. Water tastes good. I have been physically abused. I have been raped. I have been cheated. I will protect my body from harm by others. I will protect my mind. I am creative. I forgive all who have harmed me for my own benefit. I have a right to be here. I have the right to life, liberty and happiness. I am patient. I am thorough. I am thoughtful. I am caring. I will drink plenty of water. I will stop drinking coffee. Coffee is bad for my health. Alcohol is bad for my health. I desire to be a healthy person. I choose to be in the moment. I will focus my attention in the moment. TV is a distraction. I can express my anger with words. I will express my feelings with words. I will refrain from acting out. I will let go of relationships that retard my health. I will let go of relationships that are abrasive to my spirit. I can take things too seriously. It is ok to lighten up when appropriate. I can relax without drinking alcohol. I can have fun without drinking alcohol. I can handle positive stress without smoking. I can handle stress without drinking. I will eat healthy foods. I love to exercise. The smell of cigarette smoke is offensive. I will stop using curse words. Cursing is not attractive. I want to live a healthier life. I love my body. It is easy to stay in the moment. I can express my thoughts without fear of reprisal. I will stop splitting my mind. It is OK to be whole. It is ok to be athletic. I will seek positive input into my brain. TV is a distraction. I will take my vitamins and protein in the mornings. I will get up at 7:30 AM. I will exercise at least three times per week. I will drink three glasses of orange juice everyday. I have the power to choose. I am powerful. Learning is fun. I love to learn. It is ok to keep others from taking advantage of me. It is ok to protect my mind and body. I can be relaxed in the most stressful of situations. I enjoy meeting new people. Life is fun. Life is worth living. People are not always trust worthy. I will stay away from deceitful people. Being honest is in my own best interest. I am honest. I can draw creatively. I can write creatively. I can sing whenever I want. I have insight. I can manage my finances. I love myself. I will make my money work for me. It is ok to be successful. I can protect my psyche from abuse by others. It is ok to rest. Rest is necessary for the health of the body. Some manufacturers cannot be trusted to make our products safe for consumption. I have to take responsibility for what I put into my body. It is ok to read labels on products before I buy. When I lay down to sleep at night I can let go of the thoughts and concerns of the day and fall asleep easily. I can stop rehearsing the past. I can stop rehearsing conversations. I can stop thinking about what to write next. I can let ideas come to me naturally. I have the power to stop people from abusing my body and mind. It is ok to confront people who are abusing me. I will avoid all things unhealthy to my body and spirit. It is wise to investigate things before you jump into doing them. Life is neutral. People choose to be good or bad. I can control my anger. I enjoy taking care of my responsibilities. My duty is to myself. I let others take responsibility for their selves. It is ok to let others take responsibility for their selves. I am focused. I will stay in the moment. Being focused is desirable behavior. Advertising is manipulative. Shame binds me to the past. I will let go of shame. Guilt binds me to the past. I will let go of guilt. Honesty serves no one but myself. It is ok that other people may think I am dishonest. I am not responsible for the thoughts of others. Truly successful people are honest. Denial prevents me from making beneficial changes. I wanted to suckle my mother's breasts. My mother stopped me. This made me angry, frustrated me and made me depressed. I learned to suckle a baby bottle instead. I will keep unhealthy things out of my mouth. I learned to associate objects by way of the hand instead of the breast. I learned to satisfy my needs with a cigarette. Cigarettes are very damaging to the lungs and heart. These bad habits worked when I was a child. I need to adopt new behaviors. Just as there are good beverages to drink from a bottle and there are bad beverages to drink from a bottle, there are good people and bad people and we all have good and bad qualities. I will accentuate my positive qualities and change the negative. My mother meant no harm to me by refusing to let me breast feed. The purpose of breast-feeding is to associate the oral behavior with eating and survival.  I am no longer homeless.   I associated alcohol with pleasant feelings. I can get pleasant feelings from other things like looking at a beautiful beach, a warm sunny day or a nice walk. Alcohol only produces a temporary since of well-being. Alcohol causes more damage than it produces good feelings. Drugs and alcohol took the place of the pleasant feelings. I can tolerate uncomfortable feelings without having to medicate myself with drugs or alcohol. I can seek comfort from positive things. I can seek comfort from being quiet and listening to my inner voice. I will listen to my inner voice. It is ok to give myself positive strokes. I will give myself positive strokes. People have their own agendas in life. Other people's agendas may be to free themselves of their death wish or some unwanted baggage. I will be aware that others do project and can draw me into their agendas. I will protect my mind from negativity. Dealing with reality is desirable. Excessive fantasizing can undermine my realistic goals. Television perpetuates splitting and fantasizing. I will keep the healthy parts of myself. I am relaxed. I can fall asleep easily.