Retail record sales in 1954: $182 million
Sales in 1960: $520 millionNumber of drive-in movie screens in the US in 1958, the peak of the business: 4,063
Percent of persons arrested in 1959 who were under the age of 25: 60
Number of years in a row in which Eisenhower was the most "admired man in the world," according to Gallup polls: 7
Population of the US in 1950: 151 million
Population in 1960: 179 millionSpending on advertising in 1950: $5.7 billion
In 1960: $11.9 billionNumber of television sets in the US in 1946: 7,000
Number in 1960: 50 million
UNTIL I MAKE THE UNCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUS, IT WILL DIRECT MY LIFE AND I MIGHT CALL IT FATE, CG JUNG. Video clips and images are for educational purposes and analysis or possible relevance to the history being revealed. See US Civil Code Title 17. All Rights Reserved