Sunday, March 22, 2015

Kay’s Pac Man…

interloper motherchildtransference2enmeshed

PacMan pacman2 Enmeshment

This is how I depicted lifting, the mind of the top person is dissociated onto the lifters.  The lifters could conceivably dissociate the entire mind from the individual and it would look like this.  The individual would have no psychic activity. 

splitting  dissociation2

Whole mind/brain – how our high school educations get used for the benefit of someone else’s future and often times not our own.  So who’s writing is it JK?  Who’s genius is it?

This is the Godhead, first borns, the King, the Queen, the sacrificial lamb, represented by King Nebudchanezzar in the Bible, Colossus of Rhodes, The President and First Lady, CEOs…not engraved in stone…


dissociation dissociatedmind

Transferences are really states of mind in which the patient projects some issue onto the therapist as if the therapist were the parent or object of the problem.  Mind to mind transferences are verbal communications from one person to another…



pyramid base7 pyramidbase10pyramidbase11pyramidbase5a
