Saturday, March 28, 2015

Re: TV imprinting and programmed behavior…

Kay's Commentary - What are They Doing to Us?

…I have created some programming to aid in preventing some of this kind of acting out.   In some instances it is very general and some of the dialogue directs attention to this issue and that acting out poor behaviors could cause serious consequences.   It teaches me about my brain and how it works and the importance of positive input.  If the problems are severe medications that block neuronal activity in the cortex are best as they break up these re-enforcement of negative behaviors, sometimes referred to as down-regulating synaptic activity.  In the case of something like a Chic Fil A coke, it is very difficult because the behavior is so easily re-enforced by people drinking out of white cups which could be most anything, even water.  I resorted to drawing a white cup and putting water on it in red to stop the problem.  I’ve spent over $20 in one month drinking those things.