Saturday, May 2, 2015

I told you they were oppressing the public’s right to pursue legal remedies…updated

I've watched these others waiting, agonizing Hoping until they've accepted their role of scapegoats.
What will you do? I won't to be their scapegoat, because I won't accept the role.
I'll live without hope and I'll fight them as I have a right to.
I'll hate them for what they do to my dignity as a man.
And I won't take part in their game of writs and reprieves and stays.
So when I die, it will be as a man.

Did this at A Southern Season…Ms. Doreen Jones was with me at the time…

No, you got him all wrong.
He's the only screw who's ever given us an even break.
He even puts a shot in that last cup of coffee.

Alfred Hitchcock Presents s05e34 Episode Script | SS