Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Sylvia Plath death…she heated the water for her bath, the gas leaked into the bathroom because she didn’t turn it completely off…updated

…and got into her bath.  The gas knocked her out and she slipped into the water drowning.  The Drowning Pool, Dementia 13, Blink, and some old baptismal activity in a pond by the Yates’ and many other families.

There is another novel I have found on drowning, lost the link to it and have been unable to locate it again.


Dragon Fly in Amber, Diana Gabaldon

Kay thinks this is predated by some ancient punishment for crime by some group of people near a volcano.  Some fissure like on Roman Holiday (maybe an extinct vein from a volcano), constantly leaked gas and likely before the sculpture was created the gas leak was ignited by stones being hit together to start a fire, Fifth Dimension film…


Kay has been having problems with leaking in her bathroom faucet and is constantly running into the bathroom to turn tighten the faucet.  The bathroom always seems humid and damp as is the case with steam heat sometimes heated with gas furnaces and sometimes with coal furnaces.  Bad Seed film comes to mind too as it contains scenes involving a furnace.  I had a room in Raleigh heated with steam heat, much the same.