Saturday, September 19, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) Movie Script | SS

Very excited he was,
and he said...
to get to his house
as quick as I could...
that his girl had been raped.
I got in my car and went out there
as fast as I could.
She was pretty well beat up.
I asked her ifTom Robinson
beat her like that.
She said yes, he had.
I asked if he'd
taken advantage of her.
She said yes, he did.
That's all there was to it.
Did anybody call
a doctor, Sheriff?
- No, sir.
- Why not?
Well, I didn't think
it was necessary.
She was pretty well beat up.
Somethin' sure happened.
It was obvious.
Now, Sheriff, you say that she
was mighty beat up. In what way?
Well, she was beaten
around the head.
There were bruises
already comin' on her arms.
She had a black eye startin'.
- Which eye?
- Let's see.
It was her left.
Well, now, was that--
That was her left,
facing you...
or looking the way
that you were?
Yes, that would make it
her right eye.
It was her right eye, Mr Finch.
Now I remember.
She was beaten up
on that side of her face.
Which side again, Heck?
The right side.
She had bruises on her arms.
She showed me her neck. There were
definite finger marks on her gullet.
All around her neck,
at the back of her throat?
I'd say they were all around.
The witness may be seated.
Robert E. Lee Ewell.
Place your hand
on the Bible, please.
Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth,
the whole truth, so help you God?
- I do.
- Sit down, please.
Now, Mr Ewell...
you tell us,
just in your own words...
what happened on August 2 1 .
That night...
I was comin' from the woods
with a load of kindlin'...
and I heard Mayella screaming
as I got to the fence.
I dropped my kindlin', and I run as fast
as I could, but I run into the fence.
But when I got loose,
l run up to the window...
and I seen him with my Mayella!
What did you do...
afteryou saw the defendant?
I run around the house
tryin' to get in...
but he done run through
the front doorjust ahead of me!
But I seen who it was,
all right!
I seen him.
And I run in the house and...
poor Mayella was layin'
on the floor squallin'.
Then I run for Mr Tate
just as quick as I could.
Would you mind if I just
askyou a few questions, Mr Ewell?
No, sir, Mr Finch,
l sure wouldn't.
Folks were doin'
a lot of running that night.
You say that you ran to the house,
you ran to the window...
you ran inside, you ran to Mayella
and you ran to SheriffTate.
Did you, during all this running,
run for a doctor?
There wasn't no need to.
I seen who done it.
Now, Mr Ewell, you've heard
the sheriff's testimony.
Do you agree with his description
of Mayella's injuries?
I agree with everything
Mr Tate said.
Her eye was blacked.
She was mighty beat up,
mighty beat up.
Now, Mr Ewell, can you--
Can you read and write?
Yes, sir, Mr Finch,
l can read and I can write.
Then will you write
your name, please?
Right there.
Show us.
What's so interesting?
You're left-handed, Mr Ewell.
What's that got to do with it,Judge?
I'm a God-fearin' man.
That Atticus Finch,
he's tryin' to take advantage of me!
You got to watch tricky lawyers
like Atticus Finch!
Quiet! Quiet, sir.
Now the witness
may take his seat.
Mayella Violet Ewell.
Put your hand
on the Bible, please.
Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth,
the whole truth, so help you God?
Sit down, please.
Now, Mayella...
suppose you tell us
just what happened, huh?
I was sittin' on the porch
and he come along.
There's this old chifforobe
in the yard...
and I said...
"You come in here, boy,
and bust up this chifforobe...
and l'll give you a nickel."
So he come on in the yard...
and I go in the house
to get him the nickel...
and I turn around
and before I know it, he's on me.
I fought and hollered...
but he had me around the neck...
and he hit me,
again and again.

To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) Movie Script | SS