Wednesday, September 5, 2012

This is what gave rise to the thinking I killed my father…

What's In Kay's Mind 2: Dishonored Lady – boy does this ring a bell…

…I did view this film last night.  One of the male actors was also in The Woman In Green, likely what led them to view this film.  It is clear to me this is what was transpiring when I was intoxicated, then fell out on the sofa in 1977.   This tells me the film was likely viewed in Massachusetts and I was entangled with someone who watched it.  Somehow Ms. Perly in Massachusetts got into the mix and her story showed up at the same time.  Dishonored Lady is also what manifested during my encounter with Michael C in 1977.   He promised to take me to Acapulco.   That is clearly someone’s history in Massachusetts also.

It also appears to me someone intended setting a fire with the lit cigarette in the window and in the ashtray outside the courtroom.   This may be clues to the Great Fire of London.