Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Chicago, IL Reliance Hotel Fire, Dec 1953 – this sounds like something that’s been going on recently…

JOHN TYBOR, 45-year-old hotel resident, had been released from Manteno State Hospital only Wednesday and a note found with his body launched a probe of possible arson. The note read:
"I'm really crazy. I killed 15 people only. I also set fire to 12 apartment buildings, not to mention all the girls I raped."
The dead firemen were identified as:

Chicago, IL Reliance Hotel Fire, Dec 1953 | GenDisasters ... Genealogy in Tragedy, Disasters, Fires, Floods

Tabor Society (cult?).

Previously posted:  Tabor Society

Millbrook House – Kay traveled down Millbrook Road frequently, 1980’s (1680’s, misperception of dates caused by paregoric, other medications or alcohol intoxication most likely) – car (carriage?) bottomed out in a deep dip in the road…

This alteration of the time and others, by the brain, set my (Kay F. Gibbs’) actions in motion to arrive on Millbrook Road in my future, the 1980’s rather than…updated

What's In Kay's Mind?: Tabor Society ~ Robat ~ Robert ~ Robert I ~ my Uncle Robert Cahoon’s people…? - updated

…realizing it was a piece of history from the 1680’s.   There was plenty of drinking going on.