Sunday, September 30, 2012


He slams his handful of papers onto the table.

“Get off that blog Ms. Gibbs”.

She replies while looking down at her tablet continuing her work, glasses resting on her nose,

“you’re exhibiting bad behavior”.

He drops his arms to his side, looks down for a minute then up at her,

“You are right Ms. Gibbs”.

He turns walks toward his desk and again, but this time slower and with reservation, swings his handful of papers into the desk.

She sits upright and turns toward him,

“difficult to control isn’t it?  “You can stop doing it you know”.

He turns to face her,

“my behavior isn’t the point.”

She stands and walks toward him,

“Oh but it is, now stand up”.

She massages his shoulders and back.

“Now sit down”.  “Your behavior escalates your attitude”.  “I’d suggest you get hold of it before it gets hold of you”.

In the film Affinity, I give them an A+ for breaking up the rape scene between Prior and her beau but they didn’t go far enough in my opinion.