Thursday, November 1, 2012


“Isn’t he handsome”?  No affinity brewing here.  Here affinity is misused.  It doesn’t happen because of looks or eyes or things of a physical nature.  Affinity arises from honesty and trust and develops from there.  Behavior to me is the basis for any amicable relationship.  I learned this in kindergarten when the child I was playing with took the Mr. Potato Head toy from my hands and started playing with it, then the teacher gave me the Cootie Bug.  The teacher’s name was Bragg which is the name of the street where NCCIW is located in Raleigh, NC.  I wasn’t taught bad behavior I learned it from others and the TV.    

Despicable to me making the authority in our country believe we were all violent, incorrigible and prone to some sort of violent overthrow.  I’m sure it was true in the minds of those who listened to them because they made them believe this and they have perpetuated it with violent scenes of baboons in the wild, clearly the result of human enmeshment.  I recall Oliver the chimpanzee who poured coffee for his caretaker.  This is the disembodied spirit Ms. McClain speaks of in her book.  One must also consider Abraham and Esther are claimed to have originated the ideas behind The Secret which is basically neuro-linguistic programming.  I recall a passage in the Bible I found 20 years ago which stated to the effect, “the word is with God and God is the word”.  I have been unable to relocate it.  This programs the believer into accepting God’s ideas and God’s commands and when God is mentioned a whole array of thinking goes on including mass migration from one place to another.  This may explain my behavior brought on by my grandmother’s Bible reading as she read her Bible at least three times, so I am told.  I feel certain this too is the cause of much of our familial problems.

When I was little, I viewed the Three Stooges on TV.  I later pulled my sister’s hair over something.  Then my brother bit my sister over something else.  These antics were portrayed in The Three Stooges and my brother and I acted them out because I had dissociated my feminine from myself, who my sister then possessed, because of my being beaten like Jesus on the Cross and because of The Woman in Green.  My sister also had curly hair like Larry on The Stooges and he was the one always getting beaten up.  We had never been prone to this kind of behavior prior to viewing this program.

I am still uncertain the origins of any of it began with my immediate family since we all do inherit familial habits.  I know my Aunt and Uncle likely viewed The Stooges or even some of our older cousins may have seen this show or The Little Rascals.