Friday, November 2, 2012

You get the insinuation here and I can no longer ignore her problems, we created…updated

Models of volition have been constructed in which it is seen as a particular kind of complex, high-level process with an element of physical indeterminism. An example of this approach is that of Robert Kane,[24] where he hypothesizes that,

In each case, the indeterminism is functioning as a hindrance or obstacle to her realizing one of her purposes—a hindrance or obstacle in the form of resistance within her will which must be overcome by effort.

Free will - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

…or that she has gained insight into what we have been doing.  I am now trying to buy her obedience by bribing her to perform certain acts I have erroneously labeled as her purpose.  Her brain, thus her perceptions of reality have been altered.  Her free will is an illusion to me and I fail to comprehend the capacity of the human brain to alter its course thus affecting the course of her mind.  Her obligations are erroneous and based on a false appraisal of the situation.  She is free to determine her own purpose.