Friday, November 2, 2012

Mr. K-1 or 4, had she been free from undue influence…

Is an illusion of behavioral choices just as good as actual choices?

Elbow Room (book) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

…she would be as free now as she was as an infant who takes her first steps or for the first time reaches for the teddy bear next to her.  Aren’t these acts of free will?  When given the choice to pick up a bear or something else foreign to the family, does this determine her capacity to freely choose over the mental influence?   Can she be completely free of any outside influence?   Does her choices merely determine who is influencing her actions, her curiosity, her desires?  Or does the knowledge that her mind and its content, may control her, which has been withheld from her, afford her more opportunity to act in her own best interest?