Monday, April 22, 2013

This is definitely the guy that had throat surgery…

…I could feel them operating on his throat. 

I had a vision last night of someone in Dick Blick’s, 302 Poinsettia Avenue, Los Angeles, CA.  I saw the police drive up and stop and talk to the guy who I can now identify and this man only he was taller, he still had dread lock, was wearing a plaid jacket and dark pants and a white shirt.   At first I thought he was at a teller machine but he likely had been there first.  I recognized his walking down the steps as being at Dick Blick’s.

“What are you doing with my jacket”?

“This jacket’s mine”.

Several days ago, I had a vision of someone getting their throat crushed under a boot.  I thought it was me doing it.  Something clicked after seeing Dahmer and the scene where this actor was strangled with the belt.

I drew this image before seeing Dahmer.  I had been to OPC for therapy.  I drew this picture thinking it was my Grandfather Weston.  Then I got into the Bundy film and then watched Dahmer.  I had also seen a little about Kemper and had seen Silence of the Lambs.


image bell hop Dick Blick LA, CA

I’ve been drinking milk for the past year, I started buying art supplies in 2000 from across the street…

Across the street from DB Art supplies 2a

This man looked like he was injured to me.


What we don't see or hear can harm us. There is a subtle Nazism at play in America, believe it or not.


...another transference, ho hum...

"we can make it hard for you." Who is the guilty party?

Don't folks have anything better to do? If they spent as much time looking at themselves rather than poking their noses into someone elses stuff, the world would be a joyous place. And while you assholes are trying to make it hard for me, someone is raping your ass.

Have you noticed all of the control systems that are in place in our country already. And we are worried about computer chips, ha! What about condominium living. Perfect example. A system designed for the homeowner who still needs mommie and daddy to tell him what to do or for the individual society has decided can't control themselves or they can't justify having a home of their own, simply because they are single. Just like Hitlers little toy Nazis. You can't have this and you can't have that on your deck. No music outside. You have the right to go to work and come home and sleep if you are lucky enough that the noise outside doesn't bother you. Might as well be in prison. Yep, wind'em up and watch 'em go. Oppression. I say it is the overly protected overly parented individuals who are the ones who one day explode and do something stupid because they were not aloud to let it all hangout in their youth.

Kay F Gibbs

I do not want any Hollywood baggage, nor do I want any Scholastic baggage, nor do I want any of Rowlings baggage. What I want is for all of you to stay the hell out of my life.

People, don't think for one minute that you are going to make money off my life and then make we pay for your guilt. No way.

Kay F Gibbs

Just in from the Dream Connection...

First stop, suburbia. I've been here before, in my dreams, I recognize the layout of the streets, the houses, but I've never been here in my waking life. Kinda reminds me of Alexandria, VA a little. Oh wait a minute, it looks like Bragg Street. I'm at a house or something, in a meeting and we leave. We are in a hurry and I'm looking for my car. It has a dent in the passenger door and right front fender. I get into the back seat and a woman named Marie is driving. She has salt and pepper hair, a little more salt than pepper. There is another person on the passenger side. She has dark hair. We are in a hurry and we drive away. We drive up a slight hill, and then down this narrow lane and make a sharp right turn. As we enter the lane, on the right, I can see a wooden fence about 10 feet high, white. Along the fence are lots of odd pieces of furniture and what looks like home made wood items, piled up in neat little piles. I said, "hey I could use some furniture", but we don't stop and drive on...

Kay F Gibbs

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Dream connection continued...

Boy last nite was a rough one, restless sleep, I was on the run or in a hurry at each place. The second stop was an open road next to a main highway. I was walking behind a woman who appeared to be about 45, gray hair, about 5'8" tall, roughly 165-175lbs. She seemed like she had been a business woman at one time. She had a dark colored sweater tied around her neck. We were approaching a gas station on our right. This pretty new truck, a lavender color, looked like a Dodge or a Ford [I hardly know the difference any more], pulling out of the station. It was driven by an elderly man and his wife was on the passenger side. It seemed the old woman had tapped on the window of the truck as if to signal to the woman walking that they were offering her a lift. As the pedestrian approached the truck, a woman with a duffle bag ran up to the truck as if to try to catch a ride also. The old woman gave us a mean look, then they sped off. Then the woman with the duffel bag ran back into the woods not to be seen again. Then it seemed we were in another car going to our destination and I looked over at the woman with the sweater and inquired about the dufflebag girl. I looked back intensely for her but could not see her anywhere. The sweater lady said she was like that sometime. There were about five of us all together.

The owner of this dream was last seen at Weaver Street Market. Sorette.

Kay F Gibbs

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Sunday, March 16, 2003

I had a dream last nite, oooooohhhhhhhh! Someone bought a swimming pool.


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Sunday, February 23, 2003

They are Stealing Archetypes

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Friday, February 21, 2003

Currently Reading

Crimes of Obedience: Toward a Social Psychology of Authority and Responsibility

By Herbert C. Kelman, V. Lee Hamilton

see related

I just finished watching two horrifying movies. Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy. I still have the creeps.

My analysis of the characters:

Jeffery Dahmer:

Dahmer obviously had some repressed rage toward his father, that he must have been acting out for far longer than the film portrayed. I noticed that during the argument between Dahmer and his dad over the chemistry box which contained the head of the mannequin, wrapped in saran wrap, was the father's opportunity to intervene in his son's acting out behavior, but the father gave in to his own adolescent emotional tirade in response to Jeffery's refusal to open the box. Another missed opportunity occurred when Jeffrey's father took him to see the Psychiatrist. Mr. Dahmer dropped him off at the office and drove away, as opposed to getting involved in his son's treatment. Another missed intervention was of course the Police, who failed to believe the two women (obviously because of their age, social status and color) who reported to them that the Asian boy was being hurt and held against his will, by Dahmer.

I will note that after watching Ted Bundy, it appeared that Dahmer was acting out some of Bundy's modus operandi, like Bundy was trying to kill himself, thus Dahmer's homosexual tendencies. Bundy had acted out this killing spree, in an attempt to kill off his feminine side, allowing him to be more acceptable to his first love, and Dahmer seems to be acting out the opposite, acting out the feminine side and killing the masculine side, like maybe Dahmer's mother was harboring homocidal feelings toward her husband.

Why do they have to be dead?

Ted Bundy:

This movie scared the heck out of me. Bundy was obviously harboring hostile feelings toward his mother/sister and his second girl friend. I found this site: which contains sketches done by Bundy. The descriptions are supposedly in Bundy's own words. The pics clued me in on the true nature of Bundy's MO. The Big Fish, the one that got away, was a symbolic representation of the girl who escaped Bundy's clutches and turned him in to the police. The picture resembles a big mouthed Bass, the one that never got caught. Bundy clearly thought of the girl as having a big mouth, like she was some teeny bopper who was suppose to allow him to do what he was doing, but then ran and tattled. And, he never really had her hooked into his line about being a police officer, she was still suspicious of his motives, which made her more difficult to control. Thus, she was the "one that got away". The picture also is a fish out of water, meaning he was out of his league, while dating his first girlfriend, who eventually dumped him because he did not meet her social requirements.

The Freedom picture then lead me to believe that possibly during his infancy, Bundy must have had his feeding interrupted, (the breast) before he was finished, which set the stage for these future patterns of failure to complete and was the source of his rage, i.e., when the woman poured the water over his head while he was watching the young girl in the movie and masturbating. It is also clear that Bundy must have attemtped to have sex during his adolescence, but was never allowed to complete the act. He must have concluded that the women needed to be dead in order for him to complete the act, re., when he asked his girlfriend, during their love making, to pretend she was dead, because he couldn't have an orgasm otherwise. The picture also reveals the "big fish", the girl who got away, which also represents Bundy's first real relationship, "the only one I ever loved" and his mother. And because he loved her, that may be why he did not kill her or his second girlfriend, but displaced his rage at them onto the other innocent women. I think the image of the skull represents the death of the ego, as the result of unfulfilled desires, driven by his instinct for survival, also the driving force behind his creativity, that was turned into a destructive rage. This is precisely what Dr. David Bohm and Dr. David Peat, discuss in their book, Science, Order and Creativity. I guess it didn't occur to Bundy that there were other fish in the sea, or that his dysfunctional past could really be an asset. This is one of the pitfalls in a society that idolizes perfection, in your personal life, beauty, ad nauseam. The "Death" figure at the top left, represents the death wish. The drawing of Bundy in handcuffs, I believe represents his desire to be stopped, which would also coincide with the figure of "Death".

The last two, Freedom 1968, 1978, to me represent the womb. At first a place of darkness, represented by the water and dark trees and rage, represented by the red sky. 1978, clearly shows a regression only the rage has subsided and there is more light. They could also represent a safe place, in Bundy's collective unconscious.

After watching Bundy, I realized I had heard that name mentioned before. After searching my brains data banks, I recalled the that name was also used in the Hitchcock movie, "The Birds". Bundy was the elderly lady in the restaurant, who was the Ornithologist (one who studies Birds). I further concluded that "The Birds" and Bundy were symbolic of something that occurred long before the ancient Egyptian Culture. The Egyptians were often depicted in hieroglyphics wearing headdresses resembling birds. The Pterosaur or Pterodactyl, existed during the Cretaceous Period. This would explain the primitiveness of Bundy's killings. I think Bundy and Dahmer were acting out events stored in their collective unconscious. Daphne Du Maurier (also the name of an imported cigarette) wrote this movie and died three months after Bundy's execution in the same year! What really spooked me the most is that I had rented a Bundy Clarinet in 1967 for music lessons. Bundy also produced trumpets and it is said that the harpies were only frightened by sounds produced from brass objects or instruments.

Is there a relationship between "The Birds" and the Greek Mythological Harpy:

The idea of the "harpy" grew out of greek myth long after the Egyptian Civilization. In 1993, I drew this image :

So that's my thoughts on these two. Now about the films. They were done by "First Look". I was very disappointed in the treatment of these cases by these writers. So much information was left out. The acting was note worthy, especially the Ted Bundy portrayal. I had seen the 1986 movie, Deliberate Stranger, starring Mark Harmon, several times but I had no idea it was about Ted Bundy.

Men act out more often than women. Women experience trauma as anxiety. Do women act out?

Yes, when they are possessed by their animus! ( Animus: In Jungian psychology, the masculine inner personality as present in women. Anima: the feminine inner personality as present in the male.)

"The Breast is the first envied object. The breast provides feelings of love and gratification, as well as feelings of deprivation and frustration. The resulting conflict over loving and envying the breast and having and destroying the breast is, Klein notes, the conflict between life and death instincts. Otto Weininger, Melanie Klein, From Theory to Reality, 1992. Remember Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs?

Kay F Gibbs

Currently Reading

Crimes of Obedience: Toward a Social Psychology of Authority and Responsibility

By Herbert C. Kelman, V. Lee Hamilton

see related

I just finished watching two horrifying movies. Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy. I still have the creeps.

My analysis of the characters:

Jeffery Dahmer:

Dahmer obviously had some repressed rage toward his father, that he must have been acting out for far longer than the film portrayed. I noticed that during the argument between Dahmer and his dad over the chemistry box which contained the head of the mannequin, wrapped in saran wrap, was the father's opportunity to intervene in his son's acting out behavior, but the father gave in to his own adolescent emotional tirade in response to Jeffery's refusal to open the box. Another missed opportunity occurred when Jeffrey's father took him to see the Psychiatrist. Mr. Dahmer dropped him off at the office and drove away, as opposed to getting involved in his son's treatment. Another missed intervention was of course the Police, who failed to believe the two women (obviously because of their age, social status and color) who reported to them that the Asian boy was being hurt and held against his will, by Dahmer.

I will note that after watching Ted Bundy, it appeared that Dahmer was acting out some of Bundy's modus operandi, like Bundy was trying to kill himself, thus Dahmer's homosexual tendencies. Bundy had acted out this killing spree, in an attempt to kill off his feminine side, allowing him to be more acceptable to his first love, and Dahmer seems to be acting out the opposite, acting out the feminine side and killing the masculine side, like maybe Dahmer's mother was harboring homocidal feelings toward her husband.

Why do they have to be dead?

Ted Bundy:

This movie scared the heck out of me. Bundy was obviously harboring hostile feelings toward his mother/sister and his second girl friend. I found this site: which contains sketches done by Bundy. The descriptions are supposedly in Bundy's own words. The pics clued me in on the true nature of Bundy's MO. The Big Fish, the one that got away, was a symbolic representation of the girl who escaped Bundy's clutches and turned him in to the police. The picture resembles a big mouthed Bass, the one that never got caught. Bundy clearly thought of the girl as having a big mouth, like she was some teeny bopper who was suppose to allow him to do what he was doing, but then ran and tattled. And, he never really had her hooked into his line about being a police officer, she was still suspicious of his motives, which made her more difficult to control. Thus, she was the "one that got away". The picture also is a fish out of water, meaning he was out of his league, while dating his first girlfriend, who eventually dumped him because he did not meet her social requirements.

The Freedom picture then lead me to believe that possibly during his infancy, Bundy must have had his feeding interrupted, (the breast) before he was finished, which set the stage for these future patterns of failure to complete and was the source of his rage, i.e., when the woman poured the water over his head while he was watching the young girl in the movie and masturbating. It is also clear that Bundy must have attemtped to have sex during his adolescence, but was never allowed to complete the act. He must have concluded that the women needed to be dead in order for him to complete the act, re., when he asked his girlfriend, during their love making, to pretend she was dead, because he couldn't have an orgasm otherwise. The picture also reveals the "big fish", the girl who got away, which also represents Bundy's first real relationship, "the only one I ever loved" and his mother. And because he loved her, that may be why he did not kill her or his second girlfriend, but displaced his rage at them onto the other innocent women. I think the image of the skull represents the death of the ego, as the result of unfulfilled desires, driven by his instinct for survival, also the driving force behind his creativity, that was turned into a destructive rage. This is precisely what Dr. David Bohm and Dr. David Peat, discuss in their book, Science, Order and Creativity. I guess it didn't occur to Bundy that there were other fish in the sea, or that his dysfunctional past could really be an asset. This is one of the pitfalls in a society that idolizes perfection, in your personal life, beauty, ad nauseam. The "Death" figure at the top left, represents the death wish. The drawing of Bundy in handcuffs, I believe represents his desire to be stopped, which would also coincide with the figure of "Death".

The last two, Freedom 1968, 1978, to me represent the womb. At first a place of darkness, represented by the water and dark trees and rage, represented by the red sky. 1978, clearly shows a regression only the rage has subsided and there is more light. They could also represent a safe place, in Bundy's collective unconscious.

After watching Bundy, I realized I had heard that name mentioned before. After searching my brains data banks, I recalled the that name was also used in the Hitchcock movie, "The Birds". Bundy was the elderly lady in the restaurant, who was the Ornithologist (one who studies Birds). I further concluded that "The Birds" and Bundy were symbolic of something that occurred long before the ancient Egyptian Culture. The Egyptians were often depicted in hieroglyphics wearing headdresses resembling birds. The Pterosaur or Pterodactyl, existed during the Cretaceous Period. This would explain the primitiveness of Bundy's killings. I think Bundy and Dahmer were acting out events stored in their collective unconscious. Daphne Du Maurier (also the name of an imported cigarette) wrote this movie and died three months after Bundy's execution in the same year! What really spooked me the most is that I had rented a Bundy Clarinet in 1967 for music lessons. Bundy also produced trumpets and it is said that the harpies were only frightened by sounds produced from brass objects or instruments.

Is there a relationship between "The Birds" and the Greek Mythological Harpy:

The idea of the "harpy" grew out of greek myth long after the Egyptian Civilization. In 1993, I drew this image :

So that's my thoughts on these two. Now about the films. They were done by "First Look". I was very disappointed in the treatment of these cases by these writers. So much information was left out. The acting was note worthy, especially the Ted Bundy portrayal. I had seen the 1986 movie, Deliberate Stranger, starring Mark Harmon, several times but I had no idea it was about Ted Bundy.

Men act out more often than women. Women experience trauma as anxiety. Do women act out?

Yes, when they are possessed by their animus! ( Animus: In Jungian psychology, the masculine inner personality as present in women. Anima: the feminine inner personality as present in the male.)

"The Breast is the first envied object. The breast provides feelings of love and gratification, as well as feelings of deprivation and frustration. The resulting conflict over loving and envying the breast and having and destroying the breast is, Klein notes, the conflict between life and death instincts. Otto Weininger, Melanie Klein, From Theory to Reality, 1992. Remember Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs?

Kay F Gibbs

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Just in from the Dream Connection...

First stop, suburbia. I've been here before, in my dreams, I recognize the layout of the streets, the houses, but I've never been here in my waking life. Kinda reminds me of Alexandria, VA a little. Oh wait a minute, it looks like Bragg Street. I'm at a house or something, in a meeting and we leave. We are in a hurry and I'm looking for my car. It has a dent in the passenger door and right front fender. I get into the back seat and a woman named Marie is driving. She has salt and pepper hair, a little more salt than pepper. There is another person on the passenger side. She has dark hair. We are in a hurry and we drive away. We drive up a slight hill, and then down this narrow lane and make a sharp right turn. As we enter the lane, on the right, I can see a wooden fence about 10 feet high, white. Along the fence are lots of odd pieces of furniture and what looks like home made wood items, piled up in neat little piles. I said, "hey I could use some furniture", but we don't stop and drive on...

Kay F Gibbs

Public - 12:05 PM - 2 eprops - 1 comment - edit it - email it

Dream connection continued...

Boy last nite was a rough one, restless sleep, I was on the run or in a hurry at each place. The second stop was an open road next to a main highway. I was walking behind a woman who appeared to be about 45, gray hair, about 5'8" tall, roughly 165-175lbs. She seemed like she had been a business woman at one time. She had a dark colored sweater tied around her neck. We were approaching a gas station on our right. This pretty new truck, a lavender color, looked like a Dodge or a Ford [I hardly know the difference any more], pulling out of the station. It was driven by an elderly man and his wife was on the passenger side. It seemed the old woman had tapped on the window of the truck as if to signal to the woman walking that they were offering her a lift. As the pedestrian approached the truck, a woman with a duffle bag ran up to the truck as if to try to catch a ride also. The old woman gave us a mean look, then they sped off. Then the woman with the duffel bag ran back into the woods not to be seen again. Then it seemed we were in another car going to our destination and I looked over at the woman with the sweater and inquired about the dufflebag girl. I looked back intensely for her but could not see her anywhere. The sweater lady said she was like that sometime. There were about five of us all together.

The owner of this dream was last seen at Weaver Street Market. Sorette.

Kay F Gibbs

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Sunday, March 16, 2003

I had a dream last nite, oooooohhhhhhhh! Someone bought a swimming pool.


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Sunday, February 23, 2003

They are Stealing Archetypes

I just watched the movie Beaches. Suddenly everything started to make sense. I had a dream about 15 years ago:

I was at the beach. I was a little girl. I was there with another little girl. We were sitting on steps that led down to the beach. We were talking. I started singing and she said, "I'm the singer, you hear?" and she started mashing my fingers on the railing where I was holding on. (C)

Kay F Gibbs All Rights Reserved

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ELH has a new landmine Beatle boyfriend we hear, or is that a Single Pigeon with no Wings, but Stuck and blinded in summer Heather.:->) LOL

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Saturday, June 28, 2003

Being Rich. since when did being rich have anything to do with self esteem??????

Kay - all rights reserved. This is Oz and no one is who they seem to be.

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Hermes: I've been reading the posts at the Harris website for awhile now like a lot of people do it seems. I saw that Kate pulled your post off the site right away. Truth hurts doesn't it? I just have one message for Butterneggman. Buddy, you complain about Kay's post but yours surely leave alot to be desired. I wouldn't write home to mother about you, nor Emmy Lou for that matter, and I surely wouldn't have you write anything for me. After what I've read, looks like Kay's been getting the short end of Ms. Harris's "stick" for quite awhile. I just couldn't figure out why she kept coming on here until tonight. You people with your shallow, fragile, and pathetic egos are disgusting. My advice to you is to vacate her property. Find another way of making a living than by sucking off someone else's life. Kay if you read this, I'd say Kate did you a big favor!

Kay: No, Kate did someone from Harris Teeter a favor, I've just been hauling the baggage. Not any more!

Hermes: Kay, some people build there houses on sand and some build there lives on other peoples feelings, good fortune, etc. They call it living vicariously thru someone else. I wonder if these people even know what real self-esteem is. Two or three failed albums and they are on the streets like you were. I knew exactly what you were saying when you mentioned that about elevators and being pushed up and down. I'm pretty knowledgeable in psychology and I knew right away what had been happening to you. I also caught on to the "Eye for an Eye" thing. Don't think because I was there reading that I was taking your stuff.

Kay: The funny thing is H, about the homeless thing, I was acting out, I certainly wasn't homeless because I wanted to be, and I did have money at first. You just don't know the whole story, but I'm writing a book about it all! I have documented everything in over 200 letters (which by the way have been copied and put in a safe place) to Mental Health. Yea they know the whole deal!

Kay: I just don't understand why they would do this to me. I didn't deserve to have my life turned into a trash can.

Hermes: I don't think it was a personal thing.

Kay: You know, I'm kinda of glad Kate removed my registration. I was getting tired of feeling forced into drooling over EmmyLou, kinda like being enslaved to someone elses stardom. Why the hell would anyone do that? It is rather pathetic the way some of these people drool over her. And what some of these people do when they aren't on stage...I wouldn't even confess to my priest. They must get something out of it! All I ever get are bad feelings about myself.

Hermes: Kay, often that is the only way some people survive, no matter how shallow it may seem. Apparently you have survived a great deal of trauma and failures and have come out on the other side. And that doesn't mean I don't understand how these things happened to you, I do. I know about dissociation and splitting. I know it was not all self inflicted. Most of us wouldn't get thru a third of what you've been through. And after tonight I can certainly understand your animosity. I would say life is unfair but you are far too intelligent to buy that line. People are often cruel, malicious and uncaring. They are without conscience, and they delude themselves by calling a spade, white, if you get my drift. When people project or dump...well I'm not going to give advice here. Open confrontation is often the best way to counterattack one who does such things to you. Something like this: you are dumping on me, I don't want to hear this or, you are projecting, please stop or simply you are abusing me, please stop. I rarely find anyone who is confronted in this manner who will attempt it again.

Kay: I certainly don't like supporting people who try to make me feel small and insignificant so that they can feel so important. Hermie I feel like I've been passed around a lot too, like in Sigourney Weaver's movie Ice Storm when they go to the party and swap wives. Course I've never been into any of that personally.

Angela: Sorry you got canned Miss Kay. I was watching too! I've been watching for over a month. You are funny, you should write professionally, but maybe I'd find another half elsewhere.

Kay: Writing isn't really my bag and I didn't know I could write like this. I certainly am not interested in writing pornography, nor am I interested in looking at it! In otherwords I don't clean houses!

Kay: Miss Kay, I think they canned me too! Now I'm mad!

Hermes: Kay remember this one thing, they would have you believe that all of this stuff that's happened to you all came from you. It isn't true. I know that for a fact. I'm sorry I can't share my email address, I would love to chat with you.

Angela: You know what really hurts is this. Finding out that your love has been used for profit. These people sell themselves, so you'll love them, and most of the people who love them come from bad homes, then they take your money and poison your mind in return.

Hermes: That's why it's important to be careful about what you buy. Like Kay said, caveat emptor!

Dogman: Man haven't you figured out all writers are nothing but a bunch of two bit hackers?

Tony: For real man. Where you been?

Dogman: There's a sucker born every minute.

Kay: Fact of the matter is Hermie, I've been caught in the middle of 4 selfish, greedy families and the sad part about it is everybody's known about it except me. In fact it's been sanctioned in part by the State where I live. It didn't become clear to me until I wrote that little sketch of a play on the Emmy Lou site, what had been happening to me and my family. I have to wonder if it was done in part because people thought we were German. My family is not German, the name is not Germanic.

Hermes: Actually Kay it might be because you aren't German.