Friday, April 11, 2014

The Resonator and my Fountain prison experience ~ synchronicity?

That thing was making me pop off like crazy…I got so infuriated I just shut down at one point.

I had taken a lot of drugs so it didn’t really seem like it was hyping up my brain too much.   I’m sure there were writers connected to us, now. 

I at first related this all to aerospace training but after learning about the resonator I don’t know.   And I also think I am mixed up possibly with a German who my Uncle and my grandfather before him was enmeshed with during and since WWI.

Jail for walking down the road intoxicated

sent to prison for 8 months

sent to Jail for 6 months

sent to prison for 4 months – this imprisonment was the one in which the cement factory was adjacent to the prison about 500 yards away.   This seems connected to Josiah Gibbs and Helmholtz…