Friday, February 20, 2015

Mining the Memes: Bad programming by the DMV…

Mining the Memes: Bad programming by the DMV…

Page 37 - Chapter 4 – Some tips to prevent drowsy driving.

Travel at times when you are normally awake. Our bodies want to rest between midnight and 6AM and then again between I and 3 PM.

People project.   This means that someone who needs to be on the highway between 1 and 3 PM might project this programming onto another and that person could become drowsy under the wheel of an automobile.   This is stated in a way that will program its reader to actually be sleepy during the stated times rather than instructing the driver to  be alert at all times while driving and to be well rested before getting under the wheel, mainly because most people who drive want to and will obey the rules for driving and the laws of the road.

This was part of my problem while I was homeless but did have an automobile, I lived in for 7 months.   I was physically exhausted but found myself driving around at night from 10PM to 12 PM the next day.   I was so exhausted I would pull off the road but never could sleep, then I tried driving but I would get so sleepy ( I am guessing someone I am connected to woke up) I would have to stop.  This went on until 1996.