Thursday, September 13, 2012

Unhealthy archetypes, and they convinced the Romans to kill him…updated

What's In Kay's Mind 2

…legally that’s called collusion.  They manipulated the murdering of Jesus, probably because he wouldn’t kill himself with one thing or another.  They made their children believe this fairly tale and so the pattern lives on.  People become frightened of some truth getting out and they manipulate other people into hurting or killing them, the object of their own truth; they have repressed and projected this truth away from themselves thinking it is hidden from even the self.  This is what God did by casting Satan into the world.  Eventually someone learned of God’s failures.  Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the light”. 

Prisons are a prime example where this kind of collusion frequently occurs.  I suppose my abuse and provocation to anger were some Job test.  I hardly call these people mentally healthy.   They inflict harm, then they run for help.  Whatever happened to get help first, then help someone else.

These are unhealthy archetypes; Jesus, the Temple Priests, some of the Twelve Disciples, Pontius Pilot, God,  we have patterned ourselves after, in ignorance.