Sunday, September 9, 2012

This is the elevating, lifting or jacking up…updated

What's In Kay's Mind 2: Colossus of Rhodes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

…I became aware of it after attending Tideland Mental Health.  I was into drawing the circles and had read some of I’m Ok You’re Ok Inez Fridley introduced to me in college in 1973 after trying to cut my wrist.   I didn’t feel ok, but eventually got over what was bothering me, which I deduced was more or less an extreme manner of getting attention.  I could hardly stand trying to cut myself.  I understand now, this is a pattern that develops in which one connects being abused with getting attention and so will set themselves up for an abusive situation so they can get attention, noticed or acquire what ever it is they want.  Clearly if these intentions are directed away from the self, then situations like kidnapping, holding people hostage and other similar situations can develop.

Update:  I figured out what enmeshments looked like with the circles, I read about in Woititz’s book on sexual abuse.  One I could visualize what it looked like I could go further into what was happening to me and it has grown since then.