Tuesday, January 22, 2013

This seems to be the attitude I have been possessed of, pg XXI…important updates…

Further Selections from the Prison Notebooks - Antonio Gramsci - Google Books

…but I am suspicious of the authenticity of the translation.  Reverse psychology is not unheard of…

Tyrell did try to hypnotize me with this circular motion indicative of the hypnotic wheel.  While we were driving to the beach he placed his finger on the gear shift of the steering wheel and proceeded to make the circular motion with his finger.

I was completely oblivious to the effects of this action on my brain and mind at the time, now I see what he was trying to do.  It triggered the hypnotic suggestion and this is how I came to end up in prison.

I invited him for a fish dinner and repeated the scene again in Washington, NC with someone else.

One of the pills I was given in the hospital was green and white.