Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What this means is, often those who were promoting and encouraging socialism might really be capitalists…

Kay's History II: This is how my face was shaped when I was born…its Unamuno on top…updated

…this would have been derived from Unamuno’s ideas about basically the desire to obscure consciousness of the masses.  By creating a society of people believing in socialism, they also created the consumers and therefore capitalized on their work through publications.  It is clear to me there was some revolution against the writing community somewhere around this time or either they have cleverly prepared for it by producing these fraudulent pieces of history and books.  As in Through the Glass Darkly, I can certainly clearly see how writing for one’s daughter would save her life from a demise that may be unknown, however the consumption of that story would only re-create the problem in one’s self or one’s family.  As I mentioned acting out is a kind of cure, once material is acted on it is over.

There clearly was some consciousness raising history in the Great Library at Alexandria someone desired destroyed.  I’m not a scholar but I am guessing it had something to do with Aristotle and his ideas about the mind being outside the self and other physiological aspects of human existence.

I came up with a scenario about Aaron making Moses believe his staff was a snake when in reality he made him believe it was a staff and Moses picked up a snake which bit him and ended his life.  This means Moses could not have written the 10 Commandments unless they were penned prior to this incident.  I have been hearing constantly, “my brother was bitten by a snake”…