Sunday, August 4, 2013

I think we were possessed of some of the Cistercian Monks…

Alberic of Cîteaux - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

…and I think the Cistern on the left side of the Episcopal Rectory where we lived was symbolic of a connection to then.  The Cistern collected water.  Alfred was entangled with these monks I think and it is possible one of them was suicidal because he had been molested.  This may have been the reason for my molestation in the closet, and I did attributed the other molestation to the young man reading The Story of O but I believe now it was as the result of a psychic connection to someone in Britain or France, in lieu of discovering this certain connection to Britain and the film Asylum.  This would have been the early to mid-fifties and I don’t know when that book became available in the US.

There is an Alfred in Hyde County.

These are the things I was finding in November 2007…
