Saturday, August 10, 2013

Someone in San Francisco is hypnotized…

I found an apartment last night that had a block out shade in the window.  Today I was trying to hang something in the window and suddenly felt overcome with the need to sleep.  I slept for two hours.  Suddenly my eyes popped open, just like Watson in The Woman in Green.  Nearly instantly I was wide awake and went back to doing what I was doing before I got sleepy.  Earlier in the day I was thinking about Nuneviller and this arm of a dead person I found online.  I think it is the suggestion in Ordeal on Locust Street causing the problem.  The arm triggered the response.

One can disbelieve this to no avail as it is a neurolinguistic suggestion, at least until it is extinguished.  One does not extinguish these things by continuing to fire synapses or triggering a response.  This is where I discovered I differed with Skinner and his ideas on Behaviorism, then it hit me he may have been hypnotized himself and operating under the suggestions Watson had already discovered in his work.  To extinguish does not me to destroy neurons, it means to stop reinforcing their connections which create the same response.  To extinguish a response one would have to inhibit neurons from firing, remove the content from the mind and then one can reprogram the brain.  I would also suggest these ideas of repeated responses may be due to projections, dissociations and everyday entanglements.