Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sense of the Sixties…

“Playboy really feeds on the existence of a repressed fear of involvement with women”.

Well it may be repressed but I think it is likely female transferences from say an older sister, preventing the involvement, the electra complex.  However, Playboy’s acting out of these issues is in no way helping those who are afflicted with this problem.

I recognize this as I went through it myself.  I played with my brother and his toys, a train set, some kind of electro set with pieces you could use to build a crane, guns, threw the football and baseball with him, transferring those male attributes to my brother – then I transferred my doll stuff to my sister.  I became an it child so to speak, asexual.  Of course the transference continued until we became separated then I was doing it with other people, in essence I was being robbed because of my lack of knowledge about what I was doing.  Sometimes I think it was because of traumas and television too in which case one might call it dumping but I had no conscious knowledge of what I was doing so I just kept doing the same thing.  Then I woke up and realized I hardly had anything left and I felt robbed.  But then Durer showed up and so that is when it became clear he was entangled with James Gibbs.  He could be entangled with James the brother of Jesus.