Sunday, August 19, 2012

Fluoxetine, alprazolam, psychic connections and the unconscious content of the mind…

Serotonin blocks vasopressin-facilitat... [Physiol Behav. 1996 Apr-May] - PubMed - NCBI

The above article states fluoxetine does not promote offensive aggression.  My experience with 20 mgs fluoxetine (Prozac) has been quite the opposite.  The difference in this experiment and my experience being I am not a hamster or rat, I am a thinking person.  However, since that time I have discovered part of the cause was the dialogue in my mind, the origins of which I have been unaware until recently.  I had never been psychologically prepared for the voluminous amount of information I had been receiving through media and books, or for what was in my mind at the time of the incident.  I had been exposed to higher than average levels of noise from refrigeration equipment which elevated my brainwave activity.  This could have caused me to generate unconscious thoughts and awareness about television and books, never made conscious until the evening I took the alprazolam, during which time I was asleep when these realizations occurred, if in fact, they happened in my mind at all.  It is my understanding that this information must be put into the brain for consciousness to happen. 

In 1995, I took one .25 mg alprazolam (Xanax) tab after taking fluoxetine for several nights as prescribed.  The following day I went out and upon returning home, I found myself out of control and ripping up a good number of my mother’s novels.  I wasn’t even conscious of what caused my actions.   This was an ongoing problem with me, running from these incidents, fearful I was possessed of some innate evil and helpless to do anything about it.  Mental Health care had proven to be of no help.  Later it was clear to me the alprazolam I took for sleep, was a contributing factor in my behavior, causing frontal lobe inhibition, resulting in my inability to police my actions at the time.  I was not suicidal nor had I been for quite awhile, yet I had been behaving in a manner destructive to my spirit.   This continued even after disclosing to psychiatric staff at a hospital in 1989, I was more interested in being constructive as opposed to productive, since I am human, not a machine.  Some of these ideas could have come from books I read about behavior, as I vaguely recall something regarding constructive behavior being discussed.  Prior to this 3 month psychiatric hospitalization, an acquaintance stated I needed to stop reading pop psychology, much to my amazement, since those books helped me the most.  It was then I grew decidedly suspicious about some of my acquaintances, later discovering I was being abused in a way I had never contemplated.  It was long after this I also learned of the impact a lack of breast feeding had on my personality.

Over the past 10 years evidence has pointed to a psychic connection with another individual who may have been the true source of the rage in 1995.  It is possible this person discovered the derivation of some unwanted behavior, she or someone she knows, read in a novel and became enraged, containing her thoughts in her mind, possibly even dissociating them.  I likely became the recipient or object of her thoughts (projective identification) during our second encounter in 1989.  Then, when I took the fluoxetine and alprazolam, I acted on those thoughts generated by her since these substances promote neuro-inhibitory activity in the brain, while serotonin is also anti-depressive.  I have been connected to this person psychically, for at least 10 years and possibly as long as 1970.  It is clear the person was also connected to someone else who was monitoring (writing) the entire matter as they created a film about it I found and viewed in 1996, along with several other films unrelated to this event but related to my personal experiences.  I physically encountered this person in 1985 in an establishment I assumed she clearly did not frequent as her dress and behavior gave me cause to notice her.  I was not conscious of psychic connections at the time, nor at the time I encountered her again in 1989 in the psychiatric hospital and did not remember her from our 1985, non-physical, encounter.  This person was also on medication. 

Being distressed over my actions, this incident and a more serious incident later, with the same person, prompted me to examine my own behavior and how it has been affected by television I have seen and books I have read and what others have read and seen around me.  What I discovered was quite shocking and distressing.  Since that time I have taken tryptophan and GABA together, without consequence.  I have consumed cheese which contains tryptamine, a precursor to serotonin, with other neuro-inhibitory products, with no similar problems.   I have consumed 5HTP derived from Griffonia Simplicifolia, 1 per day with GABA without consequence.  It was also during these periods in the last 10 years, while taking tryptophan and GABA, I did experience, on five occasions, episodes of feeling hopeless and suicidal.  I read about the unconscious mind in numerous books by Carl Jung, actually unknowingly experiencing the content of the unconscious mind many times and now recognize the 1995 incident as being one such experience.  In making these connections, I inadvertently discovered, in all certainty, the origin and location of more psychic connections, in another State, from which the encounter derived.  In addition to this, over the past week I discovered a book about suicides, The Tinkling Symbol, through the manifestation of unconscious content, I was able to associate, in a complex way, with Millbank Prison in London, England, no longer in existence.  During the time of its closing many inmates were transported to the United States where they may have found their way into North Carolina during the US Civil War, the State where I currently reside.