Sunday, August 18, 2013

More of Kay’s 2005 posts…

Once again I hear...

..."we can make it hard for you Kay"...who is this Renee? Hess?

All I can say is, when an injustice has been done and an injustice is being
done, it speaks to the minds, hearts and souls of millions of Americans. Make it
hard for me and you make it hard for millions of Americans and then YOU have
millions of Americans to deal with. Remember this in your small way! Your
threats do not frighten me.

I support a society for an ethical culture.

Kay F Gibbs

- posted by Kay @ 11:49:00 AM 0 comments  
Thursday, June 09, 2005

Let's see who was that writer?
Patricia Cornwell?
- posted by Kay @ 11:52:00 PM 0 comments  

Re: nautilus shell and cochlea...
...see Revolution From Within, by Gloria Steinem, Chp. 4, Re-Learning, sec. 1
Believing in the True Self,

" One thing is clear: the human mind can imagine both how to break self-esteem
and how to nurture it-and imagining anything is the first step toward creating
it. Believing in a true self is what allows a true self to be born." Gloria

- posted by Kay @ 11:20:00 PM 0 comments 


Re: I remember...

Oh yea she's another one of those b--- b----- broads. I can hear the whispers
now. Yep, she's probably gay too.

What is it with all of these people who think you are not human or don't deserve
to live if you aren't married and have 2 children in the yard and one on the
way. Is it jealousy, envy that you weren't strong enough to say No I don't want
to and believe you have the right to say it? I thought this had been resolved
decades ago and women like me are still catching grief. Must be something else
they are projecting onto people like me, easy prey for their angst, someone to
draw life from and to kill, without having to do it to your mothers, the
ultimate human sacrifice.

Disabled or not, marriage and child rearing are not meant for everyone and those
who are, should respect those of us who choose not to tie the knot or knot the
tie, just as we are to respect those who do. What difference should it make to
anyone if a person chooses to terminate a pregnancy or prevent one by taking the
pill. That is personal and private and no one's business. Those who support the
death penalty are no less guilty than those who they claim commit murder when
they terminate a pregnancy.

We do have a dilemma with the issue now, in that Pharmacies are not wishing to
offer the Morning After Pill or Birth Control. My opinion on that is, we should
not force anyone to act against his own spiritual values. I would remind one to
read the numerous legal sites where drug companies and physicians are being sued
for prescribing drugs that have caused permanent injury or death. Yet we are
often manipulated by what we think are forces beyond our capacity to stand
against (such as the Moral Majority), that cause us to make decisions we would
not otherwise make. And, there are always the potentials for abuses of what is
offered to terminate pregnancy just as there are the potentials for abuses of
the Welfare and Food Stamp programs that are offered to assist those in need,
and hey, some people don't mind abusing even these people who do receive State
assistance, ie., the dogmatic statement, no free lunches. In fact there is a
pay-off. Is it any wonder many people never get out of the welfare or disability

Kay F Gibbs

- posted by Kay @ 10:14:00 PM 0 comments  

Re: the nautilus shell and...

I was surprised to realize how much the creature that inhabits a snail shell or
the nautilus shell resembles the cochlea of the human ear. This confirms what I
had suspected about brain wave activity affecting and maybe even accelerating
the aging process. I now question whether or not the brainwave levels that have
been publicized are correct, if a 60 minute beat, that is 1 beat per second, is
helpful for learning. Anything above 60 beats per minute must block or prevent

I recently purchased Smart Reading, a set of Cds that trains you to improve your
reading skills. The techniques in this program have been used by the CIA and the
Military. On this cd I found information that suggested the use of Baroque music
while reading, as this type of music supports the learning process because it
has a 60 minute beat. I was pleased to discover this was the same beat cycle I
had set for my own cd I made awhile back; 60 beats per minute with an identical
subliminal 60 minute beat cycle per second. I also own several baroque music cds
and other music that is about 60 beats per minute. I prefer Italian Baroque.

I recall an event in 1987 in which a Vocational Counselor at Tideland, on one of
my visits, was playing what I now recognize as Mozart. I was not familiar with
Mozart at the time of my session with him. I remember becoming extremely relaxed
while listening to this music and sought it out years later. I was a hard core
Rock and Roller until that session. During the session he proceeded to tell me
some specific things about his personal life and his aggressive behavior which I
now suspect may have been part of the cause for my subsequent aggressive
outburst two years later, given my state of mind, level of psychological
development and lack of a father figure. I had had one other experience with
music therapy and that was in 1980 and it was very effective. I was for the
first time, able to express some emotion, which I had not done for many many

Kay F Gibbs

- posted by Kay @ 8:52:00 PM 0 comments  

I am eating...

In the past few years eating and consumption have taken on a new meaning, in
that any of the words now associated with the consumption of food for one's
health can also mean consuming via your auditory faculties, such things as
music, or pictures and images via your visual faculties or it can also mean a
psychic consumption as in the words and ideas expressed in music or on TV. I
prefer to reserve the word eat or eating for the consumption of food for the
body. KFG

- posted by Kay @ 4:53:00 PM 0 comments