Thursday, August 30, 2012

Here is my daffodil I have not recreated yet…update 3

chief agricultural product is cut flowers, mostly daffodils.

Isles of Scilly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

…damaged as a result of storage.  I drew it in 1988.  The image below is clearly something I was seeing regarding Susan Dimock and the Schiller wrecking on the Scilly Isles…It is likely this vision came from the rescue ship and why both my father and uncle joined the Coast Guard and Navy respectively during WWII as Laura Dimmoc Weston seems to possibly have been enmeshed with her, where she acquired this name Dimmoc.  Possibly her mother was treated by her at some point in Beaufort County.   I did the sketch of the daffodil as a yin yang splitting rather than going in opposite directions, one side colored and the other stippled with black ink.   Jung’s Psychology of the TransferenceOne Step Beyond, Night of April 14,  hints at this possibility also but in reference to the Titanic and a book written about the accident.

St Agnes pilot gig, the O and M, was summoned to investigate multiple cannon shots. Her crew discovered the mast of the sinking Schiller. The O and M rowed to pick up five survivors before returning to St Agnes for assistance. Steamers and ferries from as far away as Newlyn, Cornwall, assisted the rescue operation.

SS Schiller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both my aunt and uncle on my father’s side, were often treated medically in Beaufort County in the 60’s and 70’s.  They may have been acting out some of the Weston history.  My mother is a Weston.

This is an honest replica of the original no longer in my possession but as I mentioned on Sylvia Plath in Our Lives, the quality is lacking but it clearly illustrates Jung’s idea mentioned in Psychology of the Transference.  

One should note the date of Susan Dimock’s birth and the date of her death are nearly on the same day and that Jung was born the same year of the accident, 2 months later.  In keeping with Jung’s ideas this implies Dimock must have met her demise in a previous life in a similar manner around the same time of year.

Update:  So I correct myself here in that Jung’s work must have been part of the treatment of one of his patients who possessed information about the wreck or some conversation about it or he himself acquired information about it during his development since he was born the same year of the SS Schiller wreck.  We also have a ferry from Hyde to Ocracoke but I am uncertain if any relatives operated it.  My father Flave Gibbs (Flavius) was in the Merchant Marines before acquiring employment at the shipyard and was in the Coast Guard now known for its rescue operations.  John Gibbs sailed one of the ships to America in 1600’s I do know this and John Watson, also in the Navy during WWII, had possession of the manifest for that ship, I believe he said he was turning over to the historical society.

island w circle image