Monday, August 27, 2012

Plath ~ Halpern ~ Prince of Tides ~ Sally…updated

…in this film she cut her wrists.  I cut my wrist when I was in college but as I mentioned previously I suspect there is a film at the root of some of this behavior, based on some psychologist’s conversation with his patient or some psychic psycho-babble intended to cause one to lose hope and harm themselves.  

The response to this erroneous assessment was someone who developed an attitude about those who practice psychiatry or even psychoanalysis as being a “meat market for the mind”.  I blogged about this at least 10 years ago.

I know this has been done to me in an attempt to control me and I am aware of who is doing it.  Not fully aware of all they have been saying to me. 

My father had ECT treatment at Cherry Hospital in 1967 after trying to cut my mother’s throat.

“My wife is costing me…”?