Thursday, August 30, 2012

My daffodil (Susan Dimock) in another life, lost it during the Colchester earthquake and possibly the Dover Straits volcanic eruption… updated

What's In Kay's Mind 2: Here is my daffodil I have not recreated yet…updated

She was crossing from Dover Straits to Calais.  At some point in his or her crossing on or around August 29 in some year, they noticed the sun and moon appearing in the sky at the same time.  This would of course be astounding for the time period of the Dover Straits Earthquake and they may have been unaware of Joshua having been considered the sun and moon to his people.   She drowned during the crossing as a result of the earthquake.  The ship my family was on sailed from England in 1650, stopping along the Rhine.  This may be the source of our connection.