Saturday, September 1, 2012

This is a case of intrinsic memory via symbolism…

I used to climb the stairs at my grandmother’s all the time when I was little, while visiting and when I stayed with her for a week before my sister was born.  I would crawl to the top and slide down on my bottom, kind of like Muir has also been described doing while at Yosemite…of course might be related to something that happened at Stonehenge…Muir is married to one of my mother’s relatives…

Mona Maclean, medical student - Graham Travers - Google Books

page 99, “she could reach the summit by means of a rude staircase” – the stone formation sketched on the right looks like a staircase, looks spiral also.  I had no intentions when I drew this picture it is clear there are many things going on in the sketch.

Setting sun

What's In Kay's Mind 2: Mona Maclean, medical student - Graham Travers - Google Books